Monday, June 27, 2005

"And So It Begins"

I got this idea from David Hogg last week in Marseille during a conference. A daily report on the working days about the produced science.

So, the idea is a small summary of the day, with comments to and from colaborators, also opened to comments from who wants to. It may also appear something about life, family, Brazil (my home country), Germany (where I'm living), cycling (my favorite sport), music ... I don't think I can handle more than one blog (one for science and one for non-science topics).

The coffee part is because I like it and (as the description of the blog says) it's part of science, at least in astrophysics!

I still have to learn how it goes (my wife is an expert in the subject and will help me out). Let's see if the idea works with me!

Welcome all ... "And So It Begins"

- Today:

After two weeks out of town in conferences I came back. Rest in the morning of the 11 hours in plane and train to get home and tried to put my computer back on work (after some server changes due to the new building) and started to put my e-mail up to date ... this will take a bit more of my day and few days more.

Not science related, but life related, my wife got a pretty nice tattoo today! :-)) I loved it!


At 1:25 AM, Blogger mngrif said...

Yeah, coffee and astrophysics definately go together at least in theory. Coffee and linux though, that's a match made in heaven.

I can't wait to get my tattoo :\

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Cris Da Rocha said...

M6! I'm quite sure the connection between coffee and linux and coffee and astrophysics is the same ... a black fluid that keep us awake!! :-)))


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