Saturday, March 25, 2006

Observing ...

First of all! This time the weather, even though not perfect, is allowing me to observe!!

I'm finishing the first night! The overheads are larger than I expected, and my expectations were already enlarged by the half night I was able to use the telescope in November right after the tropical storm. The overheads are mostly because it's not totally possible to use a script to make the dithering automatic, only if you need small dithering.

After 5 hours of flight on a LTU middle narrow seat, got to Santa Cruz at La Palma and rest! Rest of one and a half day to endure the 4 nights of observation. Yes, I'm out of shape for observing and too used to wake up early to cycling training.

First night is still going ... almost finishing ...35 minutes to twilight. Than flats, bias, saving data, since there's no night assistent I also have to park the telescope, fill the CCD and close everything ... :-))

Since there were too much learning on how the things work, there was no real work on something else, just started to re-write a proposal to more time here due to last year's storm.

Tomorrow more on the observation.


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