Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Solutions day

A day of finding solutions to the problems and putting things to run!!!

GALAPAGOS! It was collapsing every pair of objects ... playing with the detection threshold should do the trick. At least the number of spurious detected objects decreased considerably. This was last night's home work.

Solving the bad objects problem also!! Despite being marked as bad, these objects were still there!! Was a simple problem! Preparing the bad objects list (coordinates x and y) using a SExtractor catalogue produced in one computer and then running the final catalogue in another computer was the problem. I have no idea WHY positions can change, but ... now it's self consistent.

At the moment the post stamps are being created (again) and if it finishes while I write, the modeling will start today.

On the other problem, the multi-component modeling with GALFIT. The script that automatically generates the GALFIT input files is working and the first cluster is already running on our 4 dual core processors machine! Split in 8 parts, since I'm the only use tonight!! :-))

Lunch talk with Ian McLean about Keck instrumentation, mostly MOSFIRE. Cool instruments!

Also some work in the paper, but not much, I admit. I wanted to get these things running, so that while the computers work for me, I could dedicate myself to the text! That will be tomorrow!

Now going home to sleep, 'cos I'm very very very tired! hehehehehe


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