Monday, June 16, 2008

Finishing data

Train to Garching. Got the not so fast that allows you to take bikes, so that I could take one of my city-bikes to Garching. The trip was boring, no plugs for laptop (so I worked on battery) and no table, so no mouse, so no image inspection ... some coding, some object selection and long reading.

Getting to Munich, after a connection in Ausburg, the train was late and it was announced that it would stop in Pasing, not in the main station ... great, a longer subway :-/ Specially because the weather was dull and I was not willing to take the chance of rain (like yesterday while mountain biking).

By chance, got the S8, that goes to the airport and passes in Ismaning, which is about 5 km away from Garching, but at the other side of the river. And I never saw anyone with bike at the U-Bahn (I know that in the S-Bahn it is allowed), so instead of taking chances of a failed connection in Marienplatz, I took the chance on cycling from Ismaning to Garching in the rain. Fortunately it didn't rain, just a few drops, so that you can remember that Murphy exists ...

Got in the middle of the afternoon at ESO with my bike. Gave the ESO bike back!!!

Finished some points on the cluster preparations and the last multi-component modeling is running. Also retrieving some data from the archive to have it in the same pixel size as the others, so that I can check the pixel size effect in the results. Tried to resample the postage stamps, but never got convinced.


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