Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Linux and problems

So! Instead of studying today I had to solve some problems.

Updating my database that I identified a pair of small errors. Now they are better.

This week decided to reinstall Linux on one of my PCs. I had Ubuntu there and was not happy with it. Decided to install Fedora 10, some problems were solved but the main concept is wrong nowadays. They want Linux to be user friendly, the problem is at what price. I installed it yesterday and simple things like changing the UID of a user or simple mounting a second HD in the fstab became a nightmare. The system doesn't seem to "obey" the "passwd" anymore, like even though the user is no longer there the "adduser" client still "remembers" it ... including a line on fstab now requires things like a UUID, whatever that is, and the task that is suppose to do that just gives me a message when I try to open it saying something like "you have nothing to do here, call the administrator", but you can't logon as root anymore in the X (it says the user doesn't exist ...).

I really miss RedHat 3.45, it was raw, but it was stable and good ... more and more Linux is getting similar to windows (unstable and unreliable) and more and more I'm happy with my MAC and it's BSD based OS, not 100%, but more than I'm happy with windows. Unfortunately I need the disk space (ok, I could use an external disk) and some tasks for data reduction that are only produced for Linux, actually for Fedora 6 (not my fault, ask ESO's IT department about it), so Linux it is.

More and more I agree with David Hogg when he said "I've got a Mac because I don't trust windows and I don't have time to manage Linux ...", me too. I just hope it doesn't really get to the point where I'll start advising people to use windows instead of Linux ...

Tomorrow dentist and some "downtown issues" then I'm back to install GASGANO and other things to reduce some spectra, keep searching for flaws in my database and studying for my important exams.

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At 12:05 PM, Blogger Miguel V. said...

I don't know what your problem is, but my management tasks in OpenSuse 10.3 are minimal. They are reduced to make an online update periodically, typically once a month because is very slow. I had no problem on installing scisoft from the rpms and they run nice.

I have had few problems with less supported software (scientific) but that is not my fault nor linux's one.

A few days ago, I had some problems with my DVD unit after upgrading HAL . I couldn't read many DVDs. I googled the error and I had the solution almost immediately.

I can say I'm pretty happy with it.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Cris Da Rocha said...

Hey Miggy! Not saying it doesn't happen anywhere.

The last security update for MacOSX just collapses the Tiger (the n-1 version) and Mac support at ESO has been very useful and helpful :-) But this happens more often with Linux than with other OSs.

Like now with Fedora, when I connect remotely (either ssh or scp) it gives me a message that it can't find the home directory. scp copies it at the home directory and ssh puts you in "/" and then with a "cd" you just get to your home, but there a xeriff star that says it's doing some "protection", then I have to take my time to find out how to solve it ...

I tried to install SCISOFT with YUM, it starts and gives an error because there are some missing libraries, but they are there anyway ... just hope the RPM version does it better ...

Anyway, still don't think they are walking in the right direction. 5 years ago I told my father "in 2 years you'll be using Linux as user friendly as you Windows nowadays". 5 years latter I had to tell him "get a MAC" :-)


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