Another week in Munich
So! That week would start with phone installation. I'm being very pessimistic with all, so I can only get good surprises :-)))The phone installation happened on monday at 9:30 (we'd need to stay home waiting for them, the whole day, if necessary). Despite the phone cord that has to cross half the flat, all perfect! Internet!!!
Forgot to mention in the previous post. Tethering is when you're mobile connects to the internet, creates a hotspot that allows you to connect your laptop to it, as a normal WiFi net. The only point is that O2 limits to 200 MB our 3G data transfer. After that it all goes GPRS (much, much slower).
So, this week, waiting for pay slips that ESO very kindly sent to me, since my own set was in some box (thanks a lot, Lone), to go back to the Work Department.
In the mean while got news that the protocols arrived from Goettingen BUT (there's always a but) needed to be scanned, since in Munich it's all digital already. Call back on friday!
Now let's complain a bit about the city :-)
When you come to a city like Munich you realize how life is simpler in a smaller town like Goettingen. It's all far! You need subway for anything! In Goettingen I only started using buses to protect Matheus from the cold! Garbage. Germans recycle everything, what is great. Recycling only works if it's simple and people don't waste time with it. In Goettingen, "packing" garbage was picked up on the street once every two weeks. Here, you have to take it to a "collection island", like glass. Munich is the only city in Germany that doesn't have a collection at home of this kind of garbage, as far as I found out, even Freising (the city beside) has this service. Not surprising no one cares about recycling here.
The city also doesn't care about kids! First weekend here we went to the "Christmas Market", so that Matheus could play a bit on roundabouts and other carnival toys ... turns out ... no carnival on the large and famous "Christmas MarketS" in Munich. Business people don't have kids, or send them to Disneyworld when they feel like playing!
Managed to go to the Work Department and officially found out that I would not receive the unemployment insurance. At the end I've got the paper that allows me to receive the social money, since we don't have jobs yet (Fernanda still don't have the contract).
Tried to contact the city hall to know about the scanning and permits and no reply. Now 3 weeks gone.
At this point I was already feeling bad, Matheus also had a cold. During the weekend we got better and Fernanda got very ill, with fever and so on ...
The previous weekend we had our first visitor! Miguel came to help me with some heavy furniture and of course a fondue.
About work (yes I try). Trying to read and write comments about the papers on UCDs we're working on (sorry guys, I'm trying) and finished the first round of models checking ... now the second and hard part comes.
Labels: hcg_ucd, hi-z morph, life
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