Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Lost day ...

Some paperwork, some archive digging, some personal stuff solved downtown.

Most of my day was dedicated to the guy that would fix my bell ring (sent by the owner of the flat). I set an appointment for today at 4pm. Came back earlier, just in case ... waited until 5pm when I got fed up and decided to call him. "Hey we have an appointment for today at 4 and it's already 5" and I had to hear "yes, I know, but I won't make it because I'm in Hamburg, you'll have to call me in the next days to set a new one ..."

I like living here, there's lots of good things here, but service is NOT ONE OF THEM!! Here there's no "the client is always right", the service here is more like "I'm doing a favor solving your problem".

Tomorrow "Dr. Da Rocha" will be very upset when "he" calls the owner (at least the title DOKTOR here have some importance). Now he'll set the day the guy can, but it will be at 8am, so that I can go to work or to the gym afterwards. Otherwise I'll call someone that shows up and send him the bill!

I know the topic has nothing to do with science, even though it has to do with my day, but I have problems to accept people that don't do what they tell they'll do (in any field of life).


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