Monday, June 23, 2008

Late for a few days ...

Few crazy days without posting. Crazy due to scientific and non-scientific reasons.

Thursday and friday were used to finish re-reducing the new FORS images, now correctly, generating the photometric catalogue in all bands, matching with the ACS photometry and selecting the postage stamps to do the non-parametric analysis and run GALFIT multimode on them. Also some interesting discussion with my office-mate Joerg Dietrich, this will lead to nice things!! Days were interrupted by dinner with friends and soccer (Portugal X Germany), on thursday and trip HOME on friday.

Nice talk by Leon Koopmans where they use a joint analysis of lensing and IFU to study galaxy structure and dynamics, also being "able" to find dark substructures predicted by LCDM simulations! Pretty cool.

Another important activity that took some time those days and my trip back home was the paper proof. The main questions where almost none, but the large amount of small changes they do on the text, unmarked and that you MUST check is amazing. Most of them were great, but some are inconsistent. Like putting dash separated words in part of the text and letting them "undashed" in other parts of the text, or changing all the angular units to "full writing" (e.g. " by arcsec ...) and changing "degree" by "^o" ... anyway. Done.

Monday was a shorter day, solving a couple of stuff back home and being "father on duty". Also trying to solve a problem on a small code I'm writing for our spectral analysis.

Trying to generate a fits table as output. The output can only be properly read again on IDL ... after checking and re-checking I found out there's nothing wrong with mwrfits, but with the way my IDL structures are being generated.

The structures I create are showing on "help" as struct ARRAY[1] and "help, /str" is showing then ARRAY[real number of lines] for each tag of my structure. That, when saved on a table and read somewhere else shows all the columns (one for each tag) but only the very first element of it.

Structures from any fits table I read, show on "help" as struct ARRAY[real number of lines] and "help, /str" shows the first element of each tag, but tables can be read anywhere ...

Any hint?????


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Elbereth said...

I think I'm having the same problem with mwrfits...
I'm trying to add up spectra, writing the results into a structure, and creating the combined spectrum FITS with mwrfits. When I open this file with fv it has the right number of columns but only 1 row, which is stored as some sort of image. When I display it, it shows the distribution (of counts, channels, etc.) in 1 dimension...
I'm desperate, so if you have sorted out a solution or know what I'm doing wrong I'll be eternally grateful :)

At 4:37 PM, Blogger Cris Da Rocha said...

Beatriz, the solution I found and according to some IDL experts is the "correct" one (I actually found a bit of a "dirty trick") was that one:

You create a structure with one element and zero values.

outtab=create_struct('x', 0, 'y', 0, 'value', 0.0, 'y_t_full', 0.0, 'y_t', 0.0, 'lambda', 0.0, 'x_r', 0.0)

Replicate it to the size of your vectors.


Then you fill them up.


And at the end you save it.

mwrfits, outtab, outtabname, /create


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