Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Masks finished

The main topic of the day was finishing the masks, by discussing the opened issues and submitting the OBs for that. That's done! Still the OBs for the Lick stars to go. I'll see that tomorrow.

Some catalogue organization and some discussion and data analysis to improve and give input to our PNs in HCGs proposal.

The digging part of the day was FIMS on MacOSX. Got the version from Marco Lombardi that he and some colleagues have managed to run on MacOSX 10.4 some time ago.

Problem, it doesn't run on MacOSX 10.5 (Leopard) ... looking carefully that was a problem with FSMOSAIC, that the binary was not running on 10.5 ... then I started digging on a version of FSMOSAIC to be compiled. Found version 1.0 (2002), but I knew that a lot of improvement happened until version 1.3 (2007-2008), probably including the FORS2 new CCD mosaic and surely including FORS1 new CCD mosaic ... then Marco gave me version 1.2, that allowed me to open non-FORS images, old-FORS images, but was giving an error message and collapsing with FORS2 images that were already processed with FSMOSAIC ...

Then my old friend Sandra Castro from ESO's Software Development Division got me version 1.3 with Carlo Izzo (could have got to him directly if I know he was the responsible) and it has work! Now I have a version of FIMS that work on a Mac!!! The problem now is that it's version 2.43 and the last version is 2.52 ... and P2PP (the OBs preparation task) checks for the right version ... so I still have to see the differences between the two version and update my Mac version accordingly ... but that will be done some other time! In any case I may have a version of FIMS running on MacOSX any time soon ...

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