Yet another summary ...
So! Catching up is difficult, takes time, so no time for posting :-)))Now a little summary.
First, unfortunately Fernanda hasn't got the offer in Leeds. She's been there for the interview, they took some extra time to reply, but at the end not for her, so we're not going to Leeds ... the search continues.
Analyzing some intracluster light together with Ignacio Toledo and Jorge Melnick from ESO using OV_WAV. Was a surprise when Jorge said in his talk at Rio he was using the OV_WAV for ICL and it's good that I can give them some help on what's not working fine.
Gotta prepare a webpage for OV_WAV with instructions.
Refereeing a nice paper.
Reading a draft of a proceeding.
Didn't have time to really read Elif's paper. She submitted it anyway, I'll insert comments on the "referee bounce".
In Rio, talking to my good friends Roberto Cid Fernandes (UFSC) and Marcelo Byrro Ribeiro (IF/UFRJ) I collected some suggestions for my "goodness of the fit" indicator. Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) and the Akaike Information Criterion. Implemented the BIC, but it's too punitive for free parameters, in a first analysis. Mostly it prefers the simpler model, while Chi^2 mostly prefers the more complex model (even the reduced one).
I'm checking the simulated objects now and gonna implement the Akaike test, which is less punitive and see what comes out.
Some object selection on UCDs in HCGs.
Also several medical check ups, just in case! And trying to bike a bit, to get back in shape.
Two applications due this week ...
Labels: hcg_ucd, hi-z morph, life, refereeing
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