One more week
So! One more week!Matheus is adapted to the Tagesmutter. Fernanda is already working. And I'm trying to get back to a work routine after a long set of non-science related tasks like looking for flats, some traveling, removal, organizing ...
Put together a couple of IDL routines, specially one for Pearson Correlation Coefficient to be used in a paper we're working on. With it I started to reformulate my personal webpage and make the routines public. "click here" :-))
Also finally managed to read the referee comments from Elif's paper. Long but good list of suggestions.
Also my back pain didn't improved, so now the doctor put me (actually us, Fernanda has a stronger problem also in the back) in physiotherapy ... let's see. No one has ever heard of RPG (Global Postural Re-education, not Role-Playing-Game) here in Germany. Basically is a physiotherapeutic technique that works your whole body as one, not just your pain in the back or in the leg.
Good new, we got time at ESO to observe the PNe's!
Labels: hcg_pn, hi-z morph, life
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