Thursday, March 11, 2010

A bit of all

So! Wrote some text describing the analysis so far of the Mammary Gland project, discussed some conclusions for the UCDs paper a we started the idea for the next proposal. Paper will be back today and distributed to all the authors after I fix a couple of references and table captions.

Installed a new version of SciSoft (for OSX) to be sure pyraf would work. Well, it does, but still the function TRAN from STSDAS.DRIZZLE doesn't. It maybe that it's the header of the WI4 image that is not the same as the FLT image. So I already requested the image from STSci's archive, but this may come only tomorrow.

In the mean while I can do something on the ground-based images. So, star-galaxy classification using my old FWHM x Mag method, as in the 2002 paper. On that, it needs some tweaking. On that.

Let's see tomorrow!

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