Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More on GCs

So! Once the color-color issue was set, candidates were selected on the color-color plot using Harris (1996) Galactic GCs and GALEV SSP models for ages from 2-15 Gyr and a range of metallicities. Locus defined, candidates selected.

Also young star clusters locus defined using GALEV models, from 100 Myr to 1 Gyr.

Now that candidates are selected, density maps to find the GCS center. Options are, they are centered on the galaxies, or they are "common" to the potential (what is the expected considering the distribution of galaxies, UCDs and IGL). To that an kernel density estimator. Tried to find something available on the net, but couldn't (maybe if I look better ...) so using an old code from my old boss and friend Hugo Capelato (DAS/INPE). Making old workstation FORTRAN work on a Mac :-) Also expanding capabilities.



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