Thursday, May 24, 2007

No science yet ...

A totally non-productive day today (for science matters).

In principle solved my "mobility" problem. Found a bike to replace the stolen one ... That took me the morning.

The afternoon was used in computer issues to use what's left of a project's budget. But the burocracy makes it more complicated. If it's not both at DELL than we need 3 invoces with prices, including the one of DELL showing it's more expensive (which is the case) or a justification "why not a DELL one".

Tried to get in contact with COMPAQ (now HP) to get a new battery to Bodo's laptop ... impossible, german with a very strong accent is out of my capacity to understand the language and endless phone menus that take you to a message saying "all the information can be found at http://..." (and it's not true) are out of my pacience limits ... so we're gonna do that tomorrow, a native german speaker and me with more hours of sleep and an improved pacience load ...

Now going home with the data to work there a bit more and also read something


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