More training on DB
So, the reason why the last post was delayed was a training.
I spent the week in Düsseldorf in a Sybase training.
This was the Fast Track to ASE, the relational database server of Sybase. Nice, goes from concept of relational database and its structure (databases, tables, rows and columns) to populating, updating and deleting content until SQL programing and features like cursors, procedures and triggers.
Together with is a very nice weather week in Düsseldorf, with lots of tourism and picture shooting. Unfortunately it was not possible to the family to go with me, so it was just me, camera and my "one-fits-all" lens.
Tiresome but nice, training and tourism.
Labels: training, traveling
Conference at home
So! Late post due to the next post (I know, sort of non-timeline reference ...), but I'm dating it retroactively so it makes sense.
Conference at ESO. Fornax, Virgo Coma et al.
Could not officially attend to conference, there were some problems on the way, but managed to attend to some of the talks.
Always good to see Bill Harris speaking. As usual a great review of globular clusters, the kind that spare you of reading several papers :-) After him I could still listen to Michael Hilker and UCDs. Long time friend and co-author of the latest paper. Unfortunately the follow up observational proposal was not accepted by ESO ... too bad.
Then came the "Diffuse light afternoon". It was great to see lot's of people talking about the topic that is getting hotter everyday. Magda Arnaboldi, Jorge Melnick, Chris Mihos and Jessica Krick on the observational side, Gabriella De Lucia on the theoretical/semi-analitic side and Craig Rudick (the next day) on the N-Body side.
What was missing in this conference and I think it totally fit the topic, since we just see them in the local universe, anyway, was GROUPS and specially (guess what ... he he he) COMPACT GROUPS.
Anyway, not my call, so ...
Also managed to quickly see some people I like, like Mike West and Thomas Puzia.
Labels: conferences