Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Short stuff. There may be a light at the end of the tunnel for the problem with the cluster data. Got to something mid afternoon, but I had to leave early to go visit one the possible hospitals for Matheus birth! That will go on tomorrow hopefully successfully!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Still searching

So! Still searching for the possible problem! Also arranging some paperwork from the trip to Bonn. We had a talk about the CMB in our new main seminar. The new stuff is a thematic semester on Dark Matter and Dark Energy, a joint initiative with the Particle Physicists.

Also during the day giving back some of the things we didn't need for Matheus room's new floor and still settling the problems with the phone company.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Full monday!

So! (yes, it starts with "so" again!)

Weekend was very busy! We changed the floor or Matheus bedroom from carpet to "laminat" (don't really know the name in English, "laminated" perhaps ... is a wood looking floor that you assemble part by part). Thanks to Lucas and Stefan it's done, otherwise we'd still be there hehehehe. Then to arrange lots of things at home ... we're almost ready with the home organizing.

The day was spent on some non-science issues like preventing the phone company from getting money from my account for a service they didn't give me for already 2 months and from getting paid for the service they won't give next month (letter to them, talking to the back to prevent the payment and so on).

On science: trying to find why the objects are too blue!! Not there yet ...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Thursday and Friday ...


Thursday in Bonn was a lot of work and I had to leave around 4 to try to get a direct train to avoid the D-Bahn strike ... they always have one when I need it!

The shear maps were not ready but the discussion with Thomar Erben was quite good.

Friday was a useless day talking about science. Finally received the letter from Arcor, the phone company, scheduling my phone re-activation in the new address for the 29th ... of NOVEMBER. This means 3 months without phone ... spent the day talking to them to speed this up, what is not possible, I also can't cancel the contract and gotta "ask" them not to charge me for those three months ... that really drove me crazy!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Bonn late at night :-)

So! Today some analysis of the too blue objects, generating new matches to be 100% sure of them, but this will take a little while.

Lensing! We were until 5 minutes ago trying to make all the steps of the pipeline work from "another" (not Tim's) account. There's some adjusts to do. We finished the data reduction, now we will be inspecting the detected objects trying to minimize the spurious ones, like parts of a large galaxy or artifacts from bright stars. This will be done tomorrow. I most likely will go back home without my final shear catalogues, but Tim has some other very important things to do, like handing his PhD thesis tomorrow and that, of course, is a priority!!!! Doesn't matter, I learned a lot already about it :-) Tomorrow I'll be talking with Thomar Erben about mass determinations from the shear maps.

Unfortunately tomorrow I'll have to leave around 4 PM since the train company has a strike AGAIN and I really have to get home and there's no car ride this time!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bonn Late from yesterday

The day was data reduction of the ACS data for the shear catalogues, getting the images ready (from scratch) to be analyzed and creating the objects catalogues. Many many issues should be taken into account to this study like PSF variations and all the possible artifacts in the images. This is being done since yesterday with Tim Schrabback.

We also run, with Hendrik Hildebrandt, some redshift tracks to try to select our observation targets, but the data is bluer than it should. We tried some other ways to that, but not very conclusive ... collaborators are working on that also ... lets see.

Monday, October 22, 2007

In Bonn

So, first the weekend ... RUSH concert was just amazing, fantastic ... as always and as expected.

Now I'm in Bonn, spent the morning in the train and the afternoon with Tim Schrabback learning the ways thru weak lensing! This will go on in the week and also some z-phot and some globular cluster discussion.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Late from yesterday

Different versions of SExtractor, different number of objects ... took me a while to notice that the version was the problem. I'm sticking to one and then I'll investigate why this is happening ... bad there was a large amount of time wasted with that ...

Next week I'll be in Bonn learning about weak lensing, shear maps and mass maps and about z-phot!


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Still on small things?

Yesterday and today solving small things related to the new flat and to the object selection.

This cluster problem is not really clear where to go for me, and since there's no photometry of it in the literature ... complicated case. Still on this cluster, but no longer in objects selection but on "z-phot" gotta rerun sextractor, rematch all the catalogues to this analysis ... a lot of work the next days!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More things ...

Today! Gave Fernanda's old flat back, one thing less ...

About science, searching for the possible color error, which may not be an error at the end, but we had to check all the possibilities!! Now a table for a z-phot analysis was prepared and sent to our collaborator, now let's see if all the needed data is there!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Back and lots of things!

Back from Brazil! Actually back for a bit more than a week, but lots of things on the way!

The time in Brazil was good, but the work didn't flow, as expected, but the contacts and discussions were the important point.

There managed to talk to Carlos Rabaca and start putting our paper on the OV_WAV back on track! With Alex Wuensche and Jorge Mejia about our paper on CMB, let's see if we finish this now! Good conversation with Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, Hugo Capelato, Reinaldo de Carvalho, Ronaldo de Souza and Sandra dos Anjos about projects, science itself, plans and packages use! (very very rough summary on the conversations).

Arrived in Germany, one day to arrange the paper work on the trip and the trip the next day to the SPP/DFG workshop in Bad Honnef. This workshop was great, had a lot of feedback to my work, good contact and projects envisioning happened there and also to see old and good friends!

Back from there, a huge amount of feedback to be sent this week and during the weekend the final moving to the new flat and the beginning of ordering it ... that will take long!!

Today sending feedback to the people here and in Brazil and arranging details of things to come!