Friday, April 27, 2007

TGI Friday ...

So, this crazy week ends!!!

Today I finished my "city" issues (too many) and finally managed to get to the police to report the steeling of my city bike (they have a special form for that and it can't be made by phone).

The work today was the group meeting (now on fridays, day Bodo is here in Goettingen) where we discussed Miguel Verdugo's results on density and radial distance X galaxy line emission and a nice discussion also about red star forming galaxies. As far as I know, there has been some talk about in the literature, but no good explanation how a red galaxy is forming stars (as a whole). Miguel will search for that and tell us later!

Also in the meeting we talked a bit about the M/L estimate in kcorrect, which is not really making sense to our test sample! Now well come back to Bruzual and Charlot and understand the estimates for M and L!

So the week ends with a twisted ankle and a stolen bike ...

Weekend! Large one (May, 1st) a lot to do. Lots of data in the HD to reduce and some papers to read!

This weekend also a bike race, the nice one around here. 80 km, I wanna finish better than last year (a low aim), gotta finish it around 3 hours ... I'll be satisfied if I manage!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Not a very productive day ...

Yep, not very productive ...

in the morning I solved some problems around here some of them related to get a lended bike and make it work! :-)

In the afternoon I reviewed some basic concepts that sometimes we don't "have them very clear" ...

At the end of the day ESO sent me the message about my archive request! Good, DATA!

Yesterday evening, I prepared the final version for the color image for one of our clusters, yet to be improved, but good enough to be used!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Not a good day ...

Yesterday I twisted my ankle and spent most of the night treating it, since I have a bike race on sunday! Also studied some german, but no paper reading.

This morning, more ankle treatment.

Had to do a color image and the color iraf task was not working in the institute. Had to go home to pick up the laptop and when I went to pick up my bike (that spent the night parked in front of the institute) it was not there! SOMEONE STOLE MY CITY BIKE!!!

At least I managed to do the color image ...

Twisted ankle, stolen bike ... I'm going home, gonna get my race bike, gonna ride for 1.5 hours on a geriatric pace (if my ankle allows me, also to check how bad it is for the race) and then gonna stay home with no work! Too up set for that! Gonna see LOST!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Arranging stuff

Arranging the data of the new cluster ... not much to talk about it :-)))

At home more reading and study german!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Logging ...

Today was a logging day!

Updated the log notebook of the work on the first cluster of our sample ... yes, I started testing things and taking notes on paper sheets and now had to gather everything and pass it to the real log ... now it's done.

Also some reading at home. A new letter from Salvador-Sole about scaling relations on elliptical galaxies by formation though violent relaxation. Interesting idea, they proposed that the DM haloes scalling parameters are determined basically by their accretion history (see here) and now they extend the idea to elliptical galaxies. The main difference is that elliptical galaxies are not accreting constantly as DM haloes, but the matter infall after a major merger can be treated as this "accretion phase" of the DM haloes. (now I'll restart paper commenting here ...)

Yep, so some lines about it. I've stopped commenting paper, or more detailed comments on work here due to personal problems in 2006. Also missed some reading of Hogg's science blog (very interersting reading) and then I wanted to get the whole "story" again and had a lot of reading to catch up. I'm back to that! Now, more comments on papers and work and I'll be up to date with some blog reading. So David, don't be surprised if you get some new comments on old posts hehehehehehe

New week! New things!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

One down

Finished what I could do with one of the clusters of our sample. A good learning and pipeline development. For this one now it's wait for colaborators to answer the questions!

Monday a new objects!!!

In our friday group meeting (now it's on friday, the day Bodo is here in Goettingen) we discussed Miguel's paper (it will be ready next week with nice and robust results), some input about visits and talks around and I solved a couple of doubts I had ... computer stuff yet to be defined next week. Also the M/L estimate with kcorrect, it yet to be checked and fully understood!

Weekend some bike training for next week's race, work on the paper and stay calm at home!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Correcting and checking

So, part of the day was used to check and try to find out why the M/L values obtained with kcorrect don't make sense ... tomorrow live discussion with the boss, let's find this out!

Part of the day correcting two small errors on a table ... tsc tsc no comments about it ...

Later there will be more reading and/or writing and some "studying german" because the semester started and classes will re-start next week.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Closing stuff

Finish the coding, with nice outputs and nice coding ...

Finish the k-correction to our first cluster

The M/L thing is still not making much sense ...

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Yesterday was the help reading day ... that gave me some light on the M/L ratio stuff and some light on other points of using the kcorrect code.

Rewrote the script to run the kcorrect and it got much faster with the improvement from the help file. Results were checked and are identical, so it's really an efficiency improvement hehehehehehe

The M/L imediate problem was solved since the wished output band for it is in the input band list, so no magic was needed. For the next case I'll need and output on a band that's not in the input band list ... there's a clear way of doing it which is using the output mags as input again and get the M/L in the band I want. That sounds a bit recursive and not at all as the group that writes the code. They like efficiency and they are efficient (the code is really great!). I just wrote one of the authors to ask this small "trick" that I couldn't find in the help! Let's see the answer!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Help of kcorrect

Finding how to do properly the M/L estimates with kcorrect, help and webpage read from top to bottom ... tomorrow, aplication.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Long meeting

A long group meeting to put things on track. Lots of discussion about how to do lots of things.

Now the task is how to get the information such as M/L from kcorrect in the correct bands.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yesterday and today ...

Finish writing the codes to k-correction and inclination correction.

K-correction based on aperture photometry, so that the colors are "consistent" and then apply that to total photometry of the objects. Then inclination correction over B restf frame ... this is done.

Now gotta figure out about the star formation rate and M/L outputs of the kcorrect code.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Back from easter!

Last thursday I was not feeling well, eventhough I came to work, it was totally unproductive, but healing is a great thing :-)

Then came easter, where I rest, a lot! Also did some writing on the new paper.

Back from easter, after some discussion about the danger of extrapolations on the inclination correction we decided for a path on the k-correction and it will be ready tomorrow for one of the clusters.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Late from yesterday ...

Yesterday was a non-productive day. I had to solve some personal stuff that couldn't wait ... fortunatelly was good stuff!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Inclination correction

Day spent partially in personal stuff in town (also due to the fact that I was allergic to the only dish we had today in our restaurant).

Science of the day, inclination correction, but still working on the "new definition" which is luminosity dependent ...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Monday ... inclination correction

Implementing inclination correction to my routines of k-correction, but now with a good "relation".

Tomorrow finishing it ...