Thursday, July 31, 2008

Visitors, tables and stars


on work, tables for one cluster (prototype) and coding for our nice code e a lot discussion about Lick Stars, that we have time to observe in VLT.

Eduardo Cypriano (UCL) was here for a workshop and at the end of the day his wife (Elysandra Figueiredo - Open University) arrived from the UK and we went out for a Bayern bier with another friend, Dimitri Gadotti (MPA). We all studied together during PhD. It was a cool gathering.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Yet another day

VLT phase 2 and coding day ... coding is taking a bit more of my time than I wanted it to, but it's worth.

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

More on Phase II

Gemini Phase II sent, already corrected by the Gemini staff and activated. Thanks to Eduardo Cypriano (UCL) it got ready and almost right and thanks to Rodrigo Carrasco (Gemini) it was corrected and it's fine now. It's good to have friends :-))

Finished and sent, I started VLT phase II. That's much easier at that point, but will require more work after the pre-imaging (the Gemini one only needs the mask design and it's done). The good part is that being inside ESO there's a lot of help on ESO instruments, if necessary.

Also a nice project, that I'll comment in a couple of weeks it's getting into good shape! That's great.

Dinner with my good friend Eduardo Cypriano, who's in town for a workshop at the MPE.

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Monday, July 28, 2008

Gemini Phase II, II - the saga continues

Today I had the keyboard of my macbook replaced. The edge of it start to crack, as usual in macbooks, but warranty is warranty.

Working on the details of the phase II of Gemini. Tomorrow last details and then, phase II of VLT.

Also some coding, a lot of it, in a conceptual mode, to check the logic.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Report sent

Finally, yesterday and today finishing some stuff for the report, today more technical things like printing it (since I'm in Goettingen, this is not a straight forward thing).

Also these two days with coding, a lot of discussion on the coding of a nice code ... surprise surprise soon!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Small things ...

Several small things today. Some things on the report, some things on the next step, some things on another project, some on another one ... not a converging day ... that's bad ... and A LOT OF TIME WASTED to install the VPN client on the new Ubuntu I installed on the desktop ... 

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Late for friday and monday!

Friday we worked on the DLR report, and decided to extend a bit our suffering and sent it this week, so we have put some thoughts on some points there. It must be sent tomorrow.

Yesterday thoughts on the report, some calculation but mostly feeling ill, so not much.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Almost done

Material to the DLR report is mostly done. We'll finish it tomorrow morning.

Today was mostly putting together all the information about the FDF as comparison field.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Still going

Today it keeps going on the "making up our minds" on what goes on the report to the DLR and what do we really want on this paper ... some analysis rethought ... some added. Tomorrow more objects.

Also a nice informal discussion section with Bryan Miller about globular clusters in dwarf galaxies. His group is basically trying to understand differences between nucleated and non-nucleated dwarfs and also the main properties of the GCSs in each type of object. We are interested in that to understand the relation between UCDs and dE,N's ... Michael Hilker is the common link on that.

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

And it goes ... and it keeps going ...

First of all, reply to Beatriz Mingo, that posted a question in an old post here and reminded me that I forgot to post the answer to a problem I had a month ago.

The problem was saving an IDL structure in a FITS table and not being able to read anything but the first line (see here).

I found out that the problem was how IDL was seeing this structure, if it was an array of arrays or several arrays brought together. Anyway, if you create the structure in the usual way, as the reference guide tells you too, you'll have this problem.

The solution I found and according to some IDL experts is the "correct" one (I actually found it a bit of a "dirty trick") was that one:

You create a structure with one element and zero values with create_struct().

outtab=create_struct('x', 0, 'y', 0, 'value', 0.0, 'y_t_full', 0.0, 'y_t', 0.0, 'lambda', 0.0, 'x_r', 0.0)

Replicate it to the size of your vectors.


Then you fill them up.


And at the end you save it.

mwrfits, outtab, outtabname, /create

That worked for me, now can read the tables.

Today was a trip to Garching day. Coding and reading in the train, this code is getting more complicated that I expected. I learned C, many years ago, but this is requiring more than I can handle nowadays. Either I'll learn more, or I'll crack! Too much time programing in IDL, when you get to low level languages you freak out "where is the WHERE function, where is the MIN function ...".

In Garching we had the visit of Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, my former Ph.D. supervisor, was a nice lunch, we had to discuss some issues about our Gemini and VLT programs for this semester, among other things.

Also some work on the clusters, that's what I'm into now ... had to skip my bike ride on this sunny afternoon (15 days without riding) because that's urgent. Also had to come home early to buy food :-)

Work keeps going ... post ends.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Posting from the Bahnhof

Morning post late from yesterday. Too tired too do anything yesterday night.

Day was not long, the night before was due to a probable teething case ... Matheus didn't sleep well and neither did I ... and that delayed my trip to Garching for one day since Fernanda is also with a cold ...

Gemini Phase II sent after my friend Eduardo Cypriano clarify several points to me.

More work on the ideas for the clusters work. We have to send a report about it this week. Also got the photo-z's from my expert friend Hendrik Hildebrandt.

Now, going to Munich.

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Friday, July 11, 2008

More on that ...

More on "what else can we do with our data". Extending some tables, matching objects ...

And the first part of the Gemini Phase II (pre-imagins) is almost ready. Some details and it's done. Good, on thing less to do. Then will come ESO pre-imaging.

Train to Munich on monday. Hopefully coding something very nice and important!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some more stuff

Tables to the photo-z guru, there was a small problem with the ones I prepared yesterday.

More on what else can we do with the data. Some new information to the main table.

Some discussion on the Phase II to Gemini.

Enough ... sleeeeeep

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Lots of things, still nowhere ...

Got BPZ to run, Miguel Verdugo replied with a script for kphotz that works for him (couldn't try it), but my photo-z guru, Hendrik Hildebrandt is back in Leiden and will give me a hand with it. So preparing all the proper tables for him.

Also correcting other tables and looking for galactic extinctions. Does anyone knows where to find extinction laws for ACS filters? Something like A_{F606W_ACS} = C_{F606W_ACS} * E(B-V) ?????


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

photometric redshifts ...

Today was plots and photometric redshifts day ...

First, yesterday I had to re-install kcorrect on my Mac. Then, today, I found out that some definition was preventing me from using SuperMongo ... took a while to find it.

Then I tried Txitxo Benitez's BPZ. Then the test failed, some problem with Python. Then you try this and that, install a new version and nothing helps.

Then you give up and say "I'll use kphotz from kcorrect!!!". That should be easy ... and the results were non-sense ... the same for all the galaxies, even for a test line with all magnitudes equal to 0.00 (hey! it's Vega!!! :-)) And it's at z=0.0301).

Then you give up again and go to another computer. I went to my desktop at ESO. Unpacked BPZ and it works perfectly, while kphotz still tells me all the galaxies are at the same redshift (it's a hell of a cluster at z=0.0301, but Vega is not there anymore).

Now learning some stuff about BPZ. That's what happens when your photo-z guru is on vacation hehehehe

Tomorrow more and I gotta go faster, but I can't stay awake any longer ... small kid at home does that for you.


Monday, July 07, 2008

Plots and analysis

Today the day was using kcorrect to get rest frame magnitudes. First I had to make it work on the Mac. Plots and analysis. Checking our morphological classificator ... still some way to go.

Tomorrow will be z-phot day.


Friday, July 04, 2008


Short day. Morning arranging backups, while thinking the last detail of the automatic model choice. Lunch and chatting with Claudia Mendes de Oliveira (my former Ph.D. supervisor) and train home writing, checking and improving the model code. One cluster is ready. No plots on it.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008


After inspecting, now selecting which of the three models is the best for each object ...

Gave my talk at the MPE today. Good audience and very nice questions, the ones some people doesn't wanna hear. I was glad with them!! I hope they liked the talk.

Tomorrow work in the morning and meeting for lunch with my former supervisor (Claudia Mendes de Oliveira), who's visiting Munich these days. After lunch, train home!!!! Missing kid and wife!

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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Inspecting ...

The whole day inspecting galaxy models and residuals ... also last pass on the talk I'll give tomorrow morning at the MPE.

Tomorrow inspecting parameters and defining best models for each galaxy (sersic, exponential or sersic+exp).


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

More progress

Algorithming (I know this verb doesn't exist, but ...) in the morning and inspecting a huge list of images (galaxies, model and residual for 3 different model per galaxy for about 1000 galaxies per cluster, for 5 clusters + 2 deep field) ... just starting ...

No time to look at the talk today, I'll do it tomorrow during the day.

Also today a lunch talk with Sangeeta Malhotra about the Universe at z~6. She showed that there wasn't enough photons for reionize the Universe at this redshift, so it occurred before and the Gunn-Peterson effect seen in quasar spectra at z~6 can be due to a few percent ionization of HI not total reiozation as was expected.
