Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Ready to go!


Comments on the first part of the text - to be implemented
Memory upgrade on the notebook - OK
Tuning things on the notebook - OK
Talk at SISSA - Ready (I'll keep polishing, anyway)
Deadlines for telescope time proposals durring the school - OK
Data to do finish opened issues - On board
Packing - DONE

Basically, I'm ready to go! The weird stuff of a day like today, is that you have the feeling that nothing was done durring the day, but when you have to remember everything, you can see you did something .. good :-)))

Tomorrow, Italian Coffee "in situ"!!

No idea when I'll be able to post again ... I'll try to keep the school subjects updated!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Time is running

Today was a better day!

Arrange lots of stuff to the trip, from the talk I'll give at SISSA, to hotel to stay there, details about the school, until installing IRAF and make all the packages run!! Now gotta select the data I gonna take!

The project got to the end of a new point. I hope now it's only small stuff to finish it. I'll still think about it tonight!

Still have to review the talk at SISSA. Trip is almost there!! :-)))

Monday, August 29, 2005


The weekend was not as productive as it should have been! BAD!

The day was dominated by technical stuff.

First fixing my bike wheel (here the bike is my car, so is as if the car was broken!!) - DONE

I just got a note book, so that I can work at this summer school at SISSA the next two weeks. So, most of the day was taken by installing linux and configuring the small details to make a SONY VAIO work on linux ... hard work! There was a website teaching it all (good), but some of the things needed Renato's (very good friend of mine) on-line support.

If I had to pay a beer for every help he already gave me I'd be broken and he would be in an alcoholic coma!!

The text has walked a little, in between the installations! There's still some installation to go ... tonight! Some writing also, gotta do it urgently!

Usual coffee amount! :-))

Friday, August 26, 2005

It's getting there!

Today was a quite productive day on this project. I'll have to work the whole weekend because I want it ready before monday, so ... but it will be.

Today I opened the one of the packs of Brazilian coffee I brought! For the breakfast coffee, quite good, far much better than the local one!!!

Off topic comment: of course when the post time is 11:59 PM, it's not really the real posting time, but I wanna keep the relation between the date and the real working day correct, so if I post after midnight, I change the time!!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

More of the same

Still on the project! Looks like the text dense ... doesn't flow, put pressure will make it flow!!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

On the project

Day spent on the project! Should have been more productive, but it's converging.

Lots of coffee!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Paper sent!!!

Finally sent the last version of the paper! I hope the referee likes it and this will be over :-)))

Going home! Read some things, write some things ...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Now it's for real! Almost there!

The paper is almost there. Spent the whole day arranging and fixing stuff and tomorrow just have to finish checking the references and the last reading before sending it back to the referee!! I hope before lunch time, so that I can take my "after lunch" coffee with 200 kilos less on my back!!

Today I started my new bike training series ... with no bike hehehehe just the machines.

Friday, August 19, 2005


I have spent the whole day searching for information about large scale structure around my groups ... nothing that I liked! Anyway, I'll finish the paper on monday!!

Some coffee on the sun, that's good!

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Today was a terrible day!! Yesterday the party was nice, but today's hangover was just awful!!

Anyway, I wrote some more lines on my text, and I'm searching for the last opened issue of the paper ... good!

Tomorrow a lot of work to finish the text and the paper.

Coffee?? A lot of it to heal!! heuheuehuh

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Another late post ...

Another late post, the day was terribly rushy and improductive!! So, I'm posting already for the next day, but with a time from the right day, so that the blog do not get messy :-)

It was not a science day. Birthday of two friends. Too much energy spent to organize a surprise party for the first friend, and another surprise party inside the first one to the other friend, who's birthday was 10 days ago. At the end it was great, they loved it!!

I still managed to write more on my project, but not as much as I wanted to.

The barraquitos are getting better, we are improving!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Almost there

The paper is almost there! I sent it to the co-author and there's one or two issues still opened, but mostly I guess it's ready! I hope :-)

Tomorrow other projects (unless the paper comes back quickly)!

Today, we tried to make a "barraquito", a speciality from the Canary Islands. Coffee, milk and condensed milk (the real one, not cream for coffee). Tomorrow we'll try again!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Paper and Projects

I have worked on sunday ... yes! It was rainy and I have worked :-)

Writing the introduction of a future project, this was good ... I was suppose to stay on it today, but I didn't.

Today I was searching for a set of filters called "Mould filters" which is used on the CFHT. Couldn't find anything about it, only some little information on CFHT webpage. I want to know if there's any transformation for other filter systems. If any one knows ... let me know!

Besides that more thoughts on Mass to Light ratios, masses and crossing times. Paper mode: ON.

Basically that! Tomorrow there will be more!

Not about coffee, but about life, yesterday (besides working) I did pizza by myself!! Yes, from scratch!! And it was quite good! Now, improvements. To someone that doesn't know anything about cooking is a great thing :-))

Friday, August 12, 2005

Paper mode: ON

One more day on the paper ... I'm getting kind of bored already hehehehe

It's almost done! And the other project is going on also!

Today arranged my tickets to a summer school organized by SISSA and also a talk there before the school, this is a good thing!

Basically that! Weekend is upon us ... probably gonna work also ... it's OK, with this rain there's nothing else to be done!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Little news ...

A new post with little new things.

Waiting for the "chronogram" of the CMB paper ... I did what I had to do, now the other authors should do something else and I'll have to give my opinion about it ... so, it's not on my "hands" to do anything on it now.

Worked on the diffuse light paper ... trying to see the M/L issue on the compact groups with the diffuse light.

Some ideas on the projects I was writing, still need to put them on the paper (before I forget them).

There were good things on the moving to the new building (better office, closer to home, ...) and bad things (there aren't any good coffee house around here, we left the building that was build and used by Gauss - yep, he was the director of the observatory for about 50 years, if I'm not mistaken ...). Today I experienced one of the bad ones. The old observatory was downtown, and the new building is kind of outside the town. I had to go downtown to buy something and it took me most of the morning.

No matter how technology goes ... I had to go downtown to buy batteries for my old and good HP 28S!! I realized I need it, no matter which modern computer I have on my desk!! hehehehehehe

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Late post!

Well a late post for this wednesday!

I was feeling kind of sick so this got little late :-))

Not a very productive day also (because I was feeling sick ...)

A summary on what is suppose to be done in the paper that describe the wavelet software. Some more stuff on the diffuse light paper. And texts of projects that should be writen ASAP. Basically that!

About coffee, my wife sent me some pictures of my favorite coffee mug back home!! It really is "for coffee"! :-))

Now I gotta try to add a picture here ... let's see ...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

More on the paper

Today, more on the paper, should have been able to do more, but some of the requested things took more time to find what I needed ... I know it happens all the time and to everybody! Tomorrow I'll finish this part.

No other news today!

Monday, August 08, 2005

First day back!

As every first day back, science do not flow very well. Arranging some paper work, reading late messages, people wanting to know "how was it back home??" and so on ...

Science of today.

Answering some questions from our Gemini administration agency about why Gemini data is taking so long to be published ... mainly data reduction problems ...

Some of the easy corrections suggested by the referee to the paper. The difficult ones are gonna be answered tomorrow!!

Basically that! About coffee ... only two espressos :-))

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Back to Germany!

Today no science!

I'm back to Germany, still unpacking and cleaning my house.

Kind of sad because of what I left home (my wife :-) )! Gotta live with it for a while.

Good news are that I brought with me some brazilian coffee to survive for a while!! hehehehehehe

Now some hard work to make the things worth!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Week summary!

Well, one more week "at home", haven't got much time to post here but there were some "science facts".

First, more discussion at INPE with Hugo Capelato and Reinaldo de Carvalho about projects. Talking in person with the people is always better than hundreds of mails!

Second, more progress on the CMB paper, at least in the concept of the last tests to apply to the maps and finish our catalog.

Third and very good. The paper sent to MNRAS, which usually take more than 30 days to come back from the referee is already back after 12 days! Just small and good suggestions from the referee, what is great! I hope I can do this ASAP (as soon as I come back to Germany).

Had just a little cycling around here.

Last monday I went with a "night bikers" group (very common thing here in Brazil, which doesn't make any sense in Germany where every one uses the bike to go anywhere). The tour was good and light, but riding around São Paulo to get to the meeting point and back home was WILD!! Too much adrenaline for my poor, full of coffee, veins!!

Here in São José we had a small "geriatric" ride in the celebration of the town anniversary. Slow, light, but with my wife and some of my old bike buddies! It was great!

Also had a celebration this week, my forth wedding anniversary! Lunch at a swiss look town in the hills, a sort of a tradition :-)

About coffee, I'm in Brazil ... country of coffee, lot's of good espressos after lunch and some good coffee at INPE with my old coffee machine in my old office! (lot's of "old" in this post)