Details, details, details!
A day of details! Found details that were not suppose to be there ... I found and corrected them :-)
Also checked with Miguel (actually he checked and I looked :-) ) the pointing of the new ACS imaging we've got!
Simple day, but quite busy! :-)
Still simulating ...
Still analysing the simulations. Trying to get some details from that, that I haven't seen before. Results are gonna be nice!
Also german class!
Not so much
As foreseen, paperwork and late messages ...
At the afternoon Steinmetz from Postdan gave us a talk (for the whole physics faculty) and after that there was a barbecue at the institute for him. The talk was held in german, what reduced my comprehencion about it, but the whole picture was there.
The question I took from it to search for an answer is about hierarchical formation. You merge 2 disk galaxies and form an spheroidal (not to use the merge 2 spirals and form an elliptical). This spheroidal creates a disk again and merge again. And so on. OK. spheroids rotate, we see dust rings and lanes as rotation signatures. Is it enough to form a disk again??? But the question is: a couple of years ago the problem to the merger model of formation of globular cluster populations were that Spirals are GCs poor (S_N ~ 0.6), while ellipticals as GCs rich (S_N ~ 3.5 up to 12 or 15 ...), and you don't create more stars in GCs than in the field. I remember seeing estimates showing that even if you used all the gas to form GCs, it wouldn't be enough (maybe an extreme comment).
How is it going?? Are "we" able to form more GCs nowadays??? Or the people just forgot my beloved GCs???????
Tomorrow life gets back to the normal!
From Wednesday!
Tried to post this on wednesday, but for some unknown reason it got lost.
Day used to do the inscription to the IAU GA in Prague, form, abstract, payment ... and some analysis.
Thursday was a holiday here, so I took a small vacation and went to France with some friends. It was nice, besides the rain hehehehehe
Now some paperwork waiting "hotel, flight, late astro-ph ..."
Yesterday's and today's :-)
Days full of things!!
Work: checking the analysis of the simulated images to be 100% sure nothing is wrong. Some things occured to me while I was sick at home, so I better check them all.
Today: german exam. Had to study for it ... took me time, but the exam was "easy", what means I really studied, or I had no idea about what I was doing hehehehehehe
Results next week!
Almost back!
After a couple of days in bad because of this cold (this was quite strong) I was back today!
Today I checked part of the simulated images analysis, still gotta squeeze it, but worked more on the back up of my stuff, just to be updated hehehehe :-)
I'll be back on monday, full power!!
As always, I've got a cold ...
I've got a cold, or is some sort of "Polen Alergie", the fact is, I feel very bad! Just came to blog this! :-)
The weekend showed me I needed a bit more of squeezing the simulations to get something out of there. I started that today, not till the end, because I really feel bad ... anyway!
Tomorrow I'll squeeze more! hehehehehehe
Very short day!
Today is the Gaenseliesel party, when the new Ph.D's kiss the statue, and one of our colleages is doing that, so we all leave early to see him.
Today fixed the problems on the scripts, found new ones, fixed them also and I have now all the numbers.
Tonight, after the celebration I'll check them and make the analysis of it, so that it'll be over anyway!
Bad script, no donut for you!
Scripts not always work perfectly! I still love them!
It all ends tomorrow!
Also German class today!
Wenn ich meine script gute gemacht hätte, hätte ich alles fertig jetzt haben! :-)
After midnight! :-)
Today was a simple day :-)
Finished the first part of the analysis and "scripted" the second part, so that now it's just running them and checking the results. I love scripts hehehehehe
Late ... again??? And again!! :-)
Busy day this tuesday!
Part of the day was spent with my friend Miguel, helping him with his talk and in the afternoon the actual talk. Talk about Dark Energy, interesting issues!! :-)
The other part on the analysis of the simulated images (yet). This analysis has two parts. The first is to define the limiting S/N for the reconstructed objects ... that will be over wednesday morning. The second part is using the this limiting S/N to determine the errors and systematics of the technique! That will start wednesday afternoon.
Also had German class! More on "Konjunctive" ...
Still on the simulations
So! The objects selection and reconstruction of the restaged simulations is done. Now still doing the results analysis! I'll end tomorrow!
UU very late post ... from friday! :-)
So! I found an error, a very stupid one, on half the simulation I've done ... an error in the very first step! GRRR
1- Generate the images with the objects I want and with properties I know
2- Multipass wavelet modeling with full reconstruction
3- Objects selection
4- Resconstruction of the selected objects
5- Analysis of the results (a bunch o passes)
The images are:
2 Profiles (dev and exp)
2 Sky levels
10 IGL brightness
3 Types of objects (a group, a diffuse component, a group over a diffuse component)
The mistake was on the secont sky level, so ... all over again for those sets.
I regenerated the images, remodeled and since friday (durring the weekend also) I've been selecting objects. It ends today. Step 4 for the already selected was done durring the night and the ones selected today will be done tonight. Than I come back to the analysis.
Still on that, but problems ...
Still analysing the simulated images, BUT ... BUT ... BUT ... I found an error on 2 of the 4 sets ... GRRRRRRRR on the very first stage! Gotta fix it still tonight! Yep, not always perfect :-)
More analysis!
Basically the analysis of the simulated images keeps going!
Today we had a wonderful weather ... really very nice!! :-))
Simulation's day!
Today I finally started to really analyse the simulated images for the OV_WAV paper. 2 or 3 days job! :-)
After that, german class!! More on subjunctive ...