Astronomy and Coffee
Friday, May 21, 2010
So, day in Garching. A lot of discussion over coffee at ESO with Iskren (AIfA), Bodo and Michael (ESO) about the UCDs paper. A lot of discussion generated a lot testing and checking for me and the other authors. Let's try to get things ready as soon as possible.
Also a lunch meeting with Magda, Giulia, Steffi, Bodo (ESO) and Ortwin (MPE) about the observation details of next run in august. Nice stuff decided like who goes, strategy and backup plan. Some stuff still to be looked at.
The visit was so rushy that I basically arrived went from one meeting to the other and got back to Munich to pick up Matheus at the Tagesmutter.
Now implementing all that ...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Now it goes!
Ups and downs weeks. Time spent in personal things like solving problems, going to the doctor to try to find out why Fernanda still has pain after two hernia surgeries (they may know why now ...) and on good things also like recording our cycling podcast (Radiocorsa) on a raw/live way to discuss the first long week of the Giro d'Italia. That was fun. Also some good time spent taking Matheus around with his bike. Now I just need to find a time slot (and a weather slot) to cycle myself.
Finished the text for the Mammary Gland paper. Looking for the GCS center on H90. Not trivial task, but today there was some light on the topic. Lets see how it goes. Also finally updating the UCDs paper. Tomorrow I'm meeting with Iskren (AIfA) who's visiting ESO Bodo and Michael to discuss some topics on that. Also meeting Magda Arnaboldi (ESO) and Ortwin Gerhard (MPE) to talk about our coming observations of PNes.
Labels: hcg_gcs, hcg_pn, hcg_ucd, life, mammary_gland_paper
Friday, May 14, 2010
A complicated week ...
Since sunday I've been playing daddy and mommy, since Fernanda went to a conference. It's amazing how being alone takes time. At least we (me and Matheus) spent some good times together when he was riding his bike. That with the holiday on thursday (when Fernanda was already back) helped to a not really productive week, in any sense.
To finish a dead week my MacBook's batery's puffed, what is a clear sign that something went wrong. Not suppose to be a big issue, since my Apple Care is still running, just some wasted time to solve it. Well, turns out, not surprisingly, that bateries are not included on it, unless for deffects. Some foruns report the LAME EXCUSE of Apple saying that this is a sign of wear, it's normal when the batery get old. BULLSHIT!!! Never saw a batery puff when it gets old. But they would never acknowledge ANOTHER batery issue on MacBooks. So I had to buy a new one, since I can afford a new machine at the moment. That means I'll get a new and larger disc soon and extend this machine's use for a couple of years more.
Science!!! Some checks on the UCDs paper and some new writing one the statisical part of the mammary gland project.
Next weeks tends to be better (unless something else breaks he he he).
Labels: hcg_ucd, life, mammary_gland_paper
Friday, May 07, 2010
A little bit of everything!
So! A bit of UCDs work with the new objects we have redshift for. Next week gotta get back to the text and make "it happen".A bit of GCs with the transformation equations and revisiting the candidates selection in color space. No changes, but "better defined". Now density maps which have some impact on the UCDs also.
Some quality time with Matheus. We started to go to the pool and have "swim" lessons. Yep, with the help of our good friend Elysandra Figueiredo (IAG/USP), former infant swim instructor I'm teaching the basics of swimming to my son. First lesson was just "being there". Next time (hopefully next tuesday) we'll start with legs movement.
Fernanda's parents arrived, so thursday was basically used on picking them up at the airport and spending some time with them and friday a bit of tourism in the city. As grand parents they already started with gifts to Matheus, who's got his first bike. Now I'm the one to teach him :-)
Monday, May 03, 2010
Going on
So, paper on velocity fields read and comments sent, a lot of them.Color transformations still going on, not much time spent on that and news on the UCDs paper, which is back to life.
Tomorrow, if it all goes fine, first swimming class to Matheus.
Labels: hcg_gcs, hcg_ucd, hi-z morph, life